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dě sěshí qī zhāng


Perception and Insight

Erkenntnis und Einsicht

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Raw texts s. below / Rohtexte s. unten!



Without Traveling Far, Contemplate the World!

Ohne in die Ferne zu reisen, erschaue die Welt!

+ Hán Fēizǐ  韓非子 (280-233) - W. K. Liao: 
XXI. Illustrations of Lao Tzŭ's Teachings.*


Wáng Bě 王弼
Pīnyīn 拼音









47 - Perception and Insight

 [ Dŕoist epistemology: Empirical or intuitive knowledge?

 [ rom mystical experience as "religious empirism" [Ellen Chen] to empirical knowledge and to meditative contemplation and introspection: as a philoso-phical method, to achieve clarity and enlightenment.

 [ Introspection is not physically interfering in the object of knowledge: the 無為 wú wéi method among the ways of cognition, so to speak.



 Without going out of doors,
 realize all world;

 without looking out of the window,
behold the heavenly Dŕo.


 They who travel far away,

 they realize far less!

 01-02 Let's see at first the comments of Wáng Bě 'himself' on this [*Wagner p. 277 (+473!)], (cf. ch. 49) [*]:

 [ 'Not going out of doors' in order to cognize All Under Heaven ... As processes have a principle,
 [ 'not peeping out of the window' in order to cognize the Way of Heaven ... As things have a master(plan)**.

 He starts by quoting Confucius [the 繫辭傳Xici zhuan comment to the 易经 Yijing]: "What is (everyone) in All Under Heaven thinking about and cogitating about?! In All Under Heaven...:

 [ although the 'roads (of thinking)' are 'manifold', 'what they lead to' is the same [end];

 [ although the 'thoughts' are 'hundredfold', 'what they are directed to' is 'one'".

 ** Principle zōng and master(plan) zhǔ are inverted in the commentary to ch. 49.

 So, Wáng Bě concludes [*]:

 [ "The ways have a Great Eternal.

 [ The ordering principles have a Great Meaning."

 And additionally, he refers to the wise ruler in ch. 14, 18-21: "Holding on the Way of antiquity, it is possible to regulate occurrences in the present", ..."one has something by which to understand the primordial beginning."
 Dŕoist thinking is focussed not on things and events in the realm of beings, but on rules and laws behind things and events in that transcendental sphere of non-being.

 03-04 "The further one ventures out, the less one understands" [*].
Principle and Master(plans) (ch. 47 + 49) behind all entities are "fathered" in Nothingness and "born" in Oneness, but search and care for the manifold, invisible, inaudible, and intangible (ch. 14), therefore no need to use doors and windows of the "house of being" [language, Heidegger]: leaving it further attempts to clarify more details, but confuses the clarity and enlightenment about the Whole.



 Hence, wise men do not travel, yet know;

 they do not inspect, yet describe;

 they do not act, yet complete.

 05-07 Hence, the introspective sage:

 [ needs no empirical studies of objects to understand the needs of subjects;

 [ understands the principles of entities [*], and hence, without investigation of the outer structure, designates their needs by correct names;

 [ is "clear about the nature of entities" [*], and therefore only focuses on the nature of beings and the Being, to avoid any interference; nevertheless achieves complete clarity.***

 Without acting, the introspective sage attains the optimum; accordingly, high Inner Power "does not interfere and still nothing remains undone" (ch. 38.05.).


 *** 韓非子 Hán Fēizǐ uses "He has clarity [ míng] without seeing" instead of (the correct) naming [ míng].

© hilmar alquiros, 2017



47 - Erkenntnis und Einsicht

 [ Dŕoistische Erkenntnistheorie: Empirische oder intuitive Erkenntnis?

 [ Von mystischer Erfahrung als "Religiösem Empirismus" [Ellen Chen] zu empirischem Wissen und meditativer Versenkung und Introspektion: als eine philosophische Methode, Klarheit und Erleuchtung zu erlangen.

 [ Introspektion greift nicht physikalisch in die Objekte des Wissens ein: sozusagen die 無為 wú wéi Methode unter den Erkenntniswgen.



 Ohne aus der Tür zu schreiten,
 erkenne alle Welt;

 ohne aus dem Fenster zu blicken,
das himmlische Dŕo.


 Die in weite Fernen ziehen,

 sie durchschauen weit weniger!

 01-02 Schauen wir zunächst, was Wáng Bě 'selbst' hierzu kommentiert [*Wagner p. 277 (+473!)], (s. Kap. 49) [*]:

 [ 'Nicht aus der Tür gehen' und dabei alle Welt verstehen ... da Vorgänge einem Prinzip unterliegen*,

 [ 'nicht aus dem Fenster spähen' und dabei den Weg des Himmels verstehen ... da Dinge einen Meister(-plan) haben **.

 Er beginnt damit, Konfuzius zu zitieren [der 繫辭傳Xici zhuan Kommentar zum 易经 Yijing]: "Worüber denkt und sinnt jedermann in der Welt nach?! In der ganzen Welt ...:

 [ obschon die 'Bahnen (zu denken)' 'mannigfaltig' sind, 'wohin sie führen' ist das gleiche [(am) Ende];

 [ obwohl die 'Gedanken' 'hundertfach' sind, 'wohin sie gerichtet sind' ist 'Eines'".

 ** Prinzip zōng und Meister(-plan) zhǔ sind im Kommentar zu Kap. 49 vertauscht.

 Somit schlussfolgert Wáng Bě [*]:

 [ "Die Wege folgen einem Großen Immerwäh-renden.

 [ Die ordnenden Prinzipien besitzen einen großen Sinn."

 Und überdies bezieht er sich auf den weisen Herscher in Kap. 14, 18-21: "Hält man sich an den Weg des Altertums, ist es möglich, Geschehnisse der Gegenwart zu regulieren", ..."man besitzt etwas, womit man den allerersten Anfang verstehen kann."
Dŕoistisches Denken ist nicht auf Dinge oder Ereignisse im Reich des Seienden hin ausgerichtet, sondern auf
Regeln und Gesetzmäßigkeiten hinter den Dingen und Ereignissen in jener transzendenten Sphäre des Nichtseienden.

 03-04 "Während man sich umso ferner nach außen wagt, desto weniger versteht man" [*].
Prinipien und Meister(-pläne) (Kap. 47 + 49) hinter allen Wesen werden "gezeugt" im Nichts und "geboren" im Einssein, suchen aber und sorgen für die Vielfalt, unsichtbar, unhörbar, ungreifbar (Kap. 14), daher kein Grund, Türen und Fenster zu gebrauchen im "Haus des Seins" [die Sprache, Heidegger]: es weiter zu verlassen versucht mehr Details zu klären, aber verwirrt die Klarheit und Erleuchtung über das Ganze.



 Darum reisen Weise nicht und wissen doch;

 sie besichtigen, doch beschreiben nicht;

 sie handeln nicht und vollenden doch.

 05-07  Daher wird der nach innen schauende Weise:

 [ keine emprirische Studien der Objekte benötigen, um die Bedürfnisse der Subjekte zu verstehen;

 [ die Prinzipien der Wesen verstehen [*], daher werden sie deren Bedürfnisse ohne Erkundung der äußeren Strukturen mit den richtigen Namen belegen;

 [ "über die Natur der Wesen im klaren" sein [*], so-mit lediglich auf die Natur der Wesen und des Seienden ausgerichtet sein, jedes Eingreifen vermeiden, nichtsdestotrotz die Klarheit vollenden.***.

 Ohne zu handeln erreicht der nach innen schauende Weise das Beste; demgemäß wird hohe Innere Kraft "nicht eingreifen und doch bleibt nichts ungetan." (Kap. 38.05.).


 *** 韓非子 Hán Fēizǐ benutzt "Er besitzt Klarheit [ míng] ohne zu sehen" statt (das rechte) Benen-nen [ míng].


© hilmar alquiros, 2017


chū ,

zhī tiān xiŕ,

not  {without} / nicht {ohne; un-}.

to go_out_(of) {travel} / hinaus_treten (aus) {reisen}.

door / Tür; also: household, house / Haushalt, Haus [E. Schwarz].

to know {realize} / erkennen {wahrnehmen}.

天下 all world {= "Heaven / under"} / alle Welt
{= "Himmel / unter"}
. S. 70.01.-70.02.!

Not {Without} going_out_of doors,
[you] know {realize} all world {= "Heaven / under"},

Nicht {Ohne} hinaus_tretend aus der Tür,
{nimm_wahr} alle Welt {= "Himmel / unter"},

Without going out of doors, realize all world;

Ohne aus der Tür zu schreiten, erkenne alle Welt;

Not going out of any door,
realize all world the more,

Noch ohne aus der Tür zu gehen,


kuī yǒu

 jiŕn tiān dŕo

not  {without} / nicht {ohne; un-}.

to peer_out_(of) / hinaus_spähen_(aus).

window / Fenster.

to behold {contemplate} / sehen {erschauen}.

heaven(-ly) / himmlisch (Himmel).

Dŕo {Way} / Dŕo {Weg}.

天道 different interpretation: the course of Heaven / unterschiedliche Deutung: den Gang (Lauf) des Himmels (Chang, 1982, p. 238)* 70.01.-70.02.!

not {without} peering_out of the window
behold {contemplate}
the heavenly Dŕo.

nicht {ohne} hinaus_spähend aus dem Fenster
sieht {erschaue}
das himmlische Dŕo.

without looking out of the window, behold the heavenly Dŕo.

ohne aus dem Fenster zu blicken, erschaue das himmlische Dŕo!

not peering out of windows, now
you might
behold the Heaven's Dŕo.

und ohne aus dem Fenster spähen
magst du
des Himmels Dŕo sehen.



mí yuǎn,

here: they_who / hier: wer; jene, die.

to go_out_(of) {travel} / hinaus_treten (aus) {reisen}.

[by]_far / weit {umso (weit)}  lit. full, completely /

away / fern, Ferne.  47.03.+47.04. 彌...彌 **

彌...彌 or: the more... (you go), the less... (you know) / oder: je weiter... , ... um so weniger.
"The farther one goes, the less one knows."/
"Je weiter geht man, je weniger versteht man."
 [Star, 2001, p. 191] .

They_who travel
far away,

Wer hinaus_zieht
in weite Fernen,

They who travel far away,

Die in weite Fernen ziehen,

How far away you ever go,

Wer weithin in die Ferne schweift,


qí zhī


here: they_who / hier: wer; jene, die.

to know {realize} / erkennen {wahrnehmen}.

[by]_far / weit {umso (weit)}  lit. full, completely /

less / weniger. 47.03.+47.04. 彌...彌 **

they [will] know {realize}
 the less!

der versteht
umso (weit) weniger!

they realize far less!

sie durchschauen weit weniger!

by far the less you really know!

doch umso weniger begreift!


47.01. - 47.04.:
The Power of Introspection: "Religious Empirism" /
Die Macht der Innenschau: "Religiöser Emprismus"

[Ellen Chen, 1989 p.167].

S. comments by Rump, 1979 p. 137; Erkes, 1958 p. 202 f.; Shen Shanzeng, 2004 p. 185.

* or: (the) Dŕo (the Way) of Nature – but without the usual ! / oder: (das) Dŕo (den Weg) der Natur – aber ohne das übliche !
王弼 Mǎwángduī A+B 馬王堆 with / mit “out of” / „aus“, “for, to“ / „zu“; but no [this chapter is not in / dieses Kapitel ist nicht im Guōdiŕn].

**47.03.+47.04. 彌...彌 or: the more... (you go), the less... (you know) / oder: je weiter... , ... um so weniger.
"The farther one goes, the less one knows."/ "Je weiter geht man, je weniger versteht man."
 [Star, 2001, p. 191] .




Knowing without Traveling, Completing without Acting

Wissen ohne Reisen, Vollenden ohne Handeln


Wáng Bě 王弼
Pīnyīn 拼音






shě yǐ shčng rén
 bů xíng

ér zhī,

there/fore / wes/halb {da/her, da/rum).

wise / weise.

men, (the) people / Menschen, Leute, Volk.

not / nicht {un-}.

to go_out_(of) {travel} / hinaus_treten (aus) {reisen}.

and_yet / und_doch; but [also] {yet} / aber [auch]}{(je-)_doch}.

to know {realize} / erkennen {wahrnehmen}.

There/fore wise men
do not travel,
[and]_yet do know {realize},

Wes/halb weise Menschen
[und]_doch kennen {wahrnehmen},

Hence, wise men do not travel, yet know;

Darum reisen Weise nicht und wissen doch,

Not traveling, the wise yet know,

Nicht reisend, Weise doch verstehen,


bů jiŕn

ér míng,

not / nicht {un-}.

to inspect {see, peer} / besichtigen {sehen, spähen}.

and_yet / und_doch; but [also] {yet} / aber [auch] }{(je-)_doch}.

to specify {name} / beschreiben {benennen; lit.: name; to name, to designate; to define, to denote / Name; benennen, bezeichnen; bestimmen, kennzeichnen. [J. Ulenbrook: "rühmen" / "to praise"]:

do not inspect {see, peer}
[and]_yet do specify {name},

nicht besichtigen {sehen, spähen},
[und]_doch beschreiben {benennen},

do not inspect yet describe;

besichtigen nicht, und beschreiben doch,

don't peer, yet specifying so,

nicht spähend, doch beschreibend sehen,


bů wéi

ér chéng。

not / nicht {un-}.

to interfere {act} / eingreifen [eingreifend handeln}.

and_yet / und_doch; but [also] {yet} / aber [auch] }{(je-)_doch}.

to complete / vollenden.

do not act,
do complete.

nicht handeln,
[und]_doch vollenden

do not act yet complete.

handeln nicht und vollenden doch.

not acting, they complete although.

nicht tun bloß, doch vollenden gehen.







+ Hán Fēizǐ  
韓非子 (280-233)

21 喻老第二十一

空竅者,神明之戶牖也。耳目竭於聲色,精神竭于外貌,故中無主。 中無主,則禍福雖如丘山,無從識之。故曰:「不出於戶,可以知天下;不闚於牖,可以知天道。」 此言神明之不離其實也。

趙襄主學御於王子〔於〕期,俄而與於期逐,三易馬而三後。襄主曰: 「子之教我御,術未盡也?」對曰:「術已盡,用之則過也。凡御之所貴,馬體安于車, 人心調于馬,而後可以進速致遠。今君後則欲逮臣,先則恐逮于臣。夫誘道爭遠, 非先則後也;而先後心〔皆〕在于臣,上何以調於馬?此君之所以後也。」

白公勝慮亂,罷朝,倒杖而策銳貫顊,血流至于地而不知。鄭人聞之曰: 「顊之忘,將何(為)〔不〕忘哉?」故曰:「其出彌遠者,其智彌少。」此言智周乎遠, 則所遺在近也。是以聖人無常行也。能並智,故曰:「不行而知。」能並視,故曰: 「不見而明。」隨時以舉事,因資而立功,用萬物之能而獲利其上,故曰:「不為而成。」

+ Hán Fēizǐ  韓非子 (280-233) 21 喻老第二十一

 Holes are the doors and windows of the spirit. The ears and the eyes are exhausted by sounds and colors. Mental energy is exhausted by outer attractions. As a result, there is no master inside the body. If there is no master inside the body, then though all kinds of good and bad luck pile like hills and mountains, there is no way to know them. Hence the saying: "Without passing out of the door the Course of All-under-Heaven I prognos-ticate. 44 Without peeping through the window the Way of Heaven I contemplate." 45 This amounts to saying that the spirit never goes astray from its real abode.

 Once upon a time Viscount 46 Hsiang of Chao learned driving from Prince Yü 47 -ch`i. All at once he started racing with Yü-ch`i. He changed his horses three times, but thrice he lagged behind. Thereupon Viscount Hsiang said: "You teach me how to drive, but the course is not as yet completed." "The course is completed," said Yü-ch`i in reply, "but the fault lies in the way it is applied. In general, what is important in driving is to fix the bodies of the horses firmly to the carriage and the mind of the driver to the horses. Then one can drive fast and far. Now, Your Highness, whenever behind, wants to get ahead of thy servant, and, whenever ahead, is afraid of lagging behind thy servant. To be sure, when one runs a race with others on the same road, 48 he is either ahead of or behind others. Whether ahead or behind, if the mind of Your Highness is always concentrated on thy servant, how can Your Highness keep the horses under control? This was the reason why Your Highness lagged behind."

 When Prince Pai Shęng 49 was planning a rebellion, once after the office hour in the government he held his cane upside down and leaned on it. 50 The tip of the cane, being so sharp, pierced through his chin. Therefrom blood flowed down upon the ground but he never noticed it. At the news of this accident, the Chęngs said: "When he forgot the pain on his chin, for what was it forgotten at all?" 51 Hence the saying: "The farther one goes, the less one knows." This amounts to saying that if one's intelligence hits everything afar, what is missed will be at hand. Therefore, the saintly man has no definite destination, but can know both far and near. Hence the saying: "He does not travel, and yet he has knowledge." He can see both far and near. Hence the saying: "He does not see things, and yet he defines 52 them." He inaugurates works in accordance with the times, accomplishes merits by means of resources, and employs the utilities of the myriad things to get profits out of them. Hence the saying: "He does not labour, and yet he completes."

Numbers = Notes in:



























































































[ s. Ames & Hall]





















































dě sěshí qī zhāng

Perception and Insight

Erkenntnis und Einsicht

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北大 Běi Dŕ 47

B: 不出    天下天道
    𡓭    𡓭是以聖人弗行而


馬王堆 Mǎwángduī  47

M:不出        以知天下        以知天道   
     亓出彌遠        □  □  □     □  □ □ □  □ □  □  □     
 □  □ □  □     為而   


馬王堆 Mǎwángduī  47

m: 不出        以知天下    □      知天道   
     亓出    彌遠    者亓知彌     □  □  □  □  □  □ □  □     
      □  □ 而名    為而成  


 Guōdiŕn 47

G: * * *


王弼 Wáng Bě 47

W:不出            知天下不闚                天道
    彌遠    其知彌少是以聖人不行而知
     不見而不為而成                                 (名)


河上公 Héshŕng Gōng 47

H: 不出            知天下不闚                天道
     其出    彌遠    其知彌少是以聖人不行而知


傅奕 Fů Yě 47

F: 不出        以知天下        以知天道
     其出    彌遠    其知彌少是以聖人不行而知


Raw texts s. below / Rohtexte s. unten!



Raw texts / Rohtexte:

+ New Discoveries:   1 2 3

G:  Guōdiŕn  郭店 ~ -300
Mǎwángduī  馬王堆 A < -
Mǎwángduī  馬王堆 B
< -179
B:  Běi Dŕ 北大  ~ -150, ~ -100


~ Textus Receptus:    1 2 3

W: Wáng Bě 王弼  (226–249) < +250
Héshŕng Gōng 河上公  > +100
  Fů Yě  傅奕 (554−639) +574 / < -202


+ Hán Fēizǐ  韓非子 (280-233) - W. K. Liao: * in: The Complete Works of Han Fei Tzŭ with Collected Commentaries, April 1939. [Link].

 Ch. XX. Commentaries on Lao Tzŭ's Teachings:  = DDJ 38, 58, 59, 60, 46, 14, 01, 50, 67, 53, 54
Ch. XXI. Illustrations of Lao Tzŭ's Teachings.* = DDJ 46, 54, 26, 36, 63, 64, 52, 71, 64, 47, 41, 33, 27

智(知), 規(窺), 智(知), 𡓭(彌), 智( 知), 𡓭(彌), 智(知), 命(名).



G: * * *








Mǎwángduī: ch. 1-37 after 38-81; 24 before 22 + 23, 41 before 41, 80+81 after 66.

Mǎwángduī: Kap. 1-37 nach 38-81; 24 vor 22 + 23, 41 vor 41, 80+81 nach 66.



Etymological Notes:


Simple pictograph. Unclear origin. Possibly a root which us pulled up and is thus NOT there. Meaning: “no”.

Composition:Top: sprout; KangXi radical 45 bottom: receptacle; KangXi radical 17. = go out send out; stand; produce

Simple pictograph 户. A door. Meaning: door.

From mouth 口 (character created for sound) and phonetic 矢 borrowed for sound. Meaning: to know.

Augmented pictograph 天. Augmentation 一 (head) to person 大. Meaning: sky.

Simple pictograph 下(丅𠄟). A mark below the line. Meaning: down.

From tent opening 穴 and phonetic 规. Meaning: to watch as to watch from a tentway. (规 is also related to watching or measuring)

yǒu piŕn slice splinter strip; rad. 91 + 11 strokes: window; lead enlightenment.

Simple pictograph 见見. From eye 目 and human 儿. Meaning: to see.

Composition:Bottom-left: 辶 chuň walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 ; top-right: 首shǒu head; first; leader chief; a poem. path road street; method way. The motion of thoughts which are diverse; traveling though life with one’s attention on the duality of unity with nature the head in motion.

Simple pictograph 其. A basket being held by two hands. Borrowed for sound. Meaning: his.

Composition:Left: gōng bow; curved arched; KangXi radical number 57 right: ěr you; that those; final particle = extensive full; fill; complete.

From walking on a road 辶辵(彳止) and phonetic 元袁. Meaning: distant.

Augmented pictograph 少. Augmentation 丿to small 小. Meaning: less.

From sun or day 日 (sundial) and to go 疋. Original Meaning: time. Now Meaning: here and now.

Simple pictograph 以. Usually a pictograph of a mouth often making some kind of sound. Borrowed for sound. Meaning: by means of.Simple pictograph 以. g by means of.

Super cursive remnant 圣聖. From a man standing on the earth 土王𡈼 (ting) not 壬(ren) and remnant 又 (from speaking 口 and being listened to with the ear 耳). Meaning: sage. Note: remnant 又and 土.

Simple pictograph 人. A person in profile. Meaning: person.

Originally 行 was a crossroad somtimes indicated by the left half 彳or the right half 亍. It indicates motion or something seen on the street or in public. Simple pictograph 行. Is the intersection of two roads. Meaning: to walk.

Simple pictograph 而. (1) sometimes remnant of a beard. (2) sometimes a remnant of a root.(3) sometimes a man.

From window at night (not sun) 日囱 and moon 月. Meaning: bright.

From mouth 口 (character created for sound) and phonetic 矢 borrowed for sound. Meaning: to know.

Simple pictograph 成*. From 5th celestial stem (a weapon) 戊 and phonetic (also Meaning: nail) 丁. Meaning: complete.






http://www.chineseetymology.org/CharacterEtymology.aspx?submitButton1=Etymology&characterInput=%E4%BD%9C  [and more].




Běi Dŕ 北大 ~ -150, ~ -100.

Dŕodéjīng 道德經 ~ -400) by → 老子 Lǎozĭ.

Fů Yě 傅奕 (555−639) 574 / < -202.

Guōdiŕn 郭店 ~ -300.

Hán Fēizǐ 韓非子 (-280-233) ch. 20+21.

Héshŕng Gōng 河上公 > 100 .

Kǒng fū zǐ 孔夫子 (Confucius / Konfuzius).

Lǎozĭ 老子~ -400: Dŕodéjīng 道德經.

Ličzǐ 列子 ~ -440-360, ~ -350.

Lún yǔ 論語 = Analects by 孔夫子 Kǒng fū zǐ (Confucius / Konfuzius).

Mǎwángduī 馬王堆 A < -206.

Mǎwángduī 馬王堆 B < -179.

Wáng Bě 王弼 (226–249) < 250.

Yě Jīng (Book of Change) .

Zhuāngzǐ (-369-286) .


北大 Běi Dŕ ~ -150, ~ -100.

道德經 Dŕodéjīng by 老子 Lǎozĭ.

傅奕 Fů Yě (-554−639 +574 / < -202 .

郭店 Guōdiŕn ~ -300.

韓非子 Hán Fēizǐ (-280-233).

河上公 Héshŕng Gōng > 100 .

孔夫子 Kǒng fū zǐ (Confucius / Konfuzius).

老子 Lǎozĭ ~ -400: Dŕodéjīng 道德經.

列子 Ličzǐ ~ -440-360 ~ -350.

Lún yǔ = Analects 孔夫子 Kǒng fū zǐ Confucius / Konfuzius.

馬王堆 Mǎwángduī A < -206.

馬王堆 Mǎwángduī B < -179.

王弼 Wáng Bě (226–249) < 250.

Yě Jīng (Book of Change) .

莊子 Zhuāngzǐ (-369-286) .


Abel-Rémusat, Jean-Pierre (P. VII des Mémoires de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres), Imprimerie royale, Paris 1823. B) Le livre des récompenses et des peines, ouvrage taoďstes traduit du chinois avec der notes et des éclaircissements. Paris: A. – A. Renouard, 1816; Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1939 / 2 (Les Joyaux de l‘Orient, tome III) B) Mémoire sur la vie et les ouvrages de Lao-Tseu, philosophe Chinois du VI. sičcle avant notre čre, qui a professé les opinions communément attribuées ŕ Pythagore, ŕ Platon et ŕ leurs disciples. a) Vortrag 15. VI. 1823 in: Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres, tom. VII 1824. (Denkschriften) [auch: Rémusat's Mčlanges asiatiques, Sčrie I. , 1825-26].

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